straddle selling rules
1.after continous 5 green or red candles (5 min) tf,wait for one opposite candle and initiate short straddle
2.Check if price is away from 20 ema and if it is away, it will do mean reversion.Check thisin 5 sec or 15 sec and 5 min timeframe
3.when market is making extreme compression doji in 5TF and 15TF just exit from the stradddel
4.bearish straddle+trendline break +Support(check using volume method)+Before 1:30(FII selling)
Check if any candle closed above the last candle rule
5.Lesson learned...never sell options if IV is less than 18. in Nifty ATM
Let the big Move happen and after that sell options during retracement
After big move ,initiate straddle
after bearish edge breakout,inintiate bearish straddle,which is 100% profitable
Options selling at 9:16 if an only if big gapup or gap down.Ifmarket open flat dont go for option selling
Volume based supply and demand zone
Dont do intraday trading when market is at 1day tf last support or resistance.There big operator comes and intraday is difficult to handle
When there is momentum both in nifty and banknifty,dont go for straddle selling for nest 2 days and when reversal will come then only go for straddle selling for iv crush
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