Rare trading Strategy
My Option selling 100% success Strategy
CPR+MCPR+VWAP+ORB+Bnknifty follow nifty+(PDL+PHL+PWL)+Inside+50/200+Vol+trendline break+yesterday closing price+virgin cpr+confluence of trendline ,cpr and sr
1.Check steps from cpr of previous 7 sessions to get the trend (uptrend/Downtrend)
2.Check for trend line support and resistance(buy at support and sell at resistane of trendline)
3.Break out of trendline are gold
ORB Strategy
In such big Gap down... Try 1st 15 min ORB breakout. If 1st 15 ORB breaks on Upside.. Long with low of 1st 15 min candle as SL. If 1st 15 ORB breaks on downside short with high of 1st 15 min as SL. Risky but Many times this set up works.Debit to ratio spread strategy
To counter this, we can trade in call debit spreads, where we buy higher & sell lower value calls, preferably in the gap of 100 points on Wednesday, close to ATM options. For ex yesterday i bought 15100 & sold 15200. For downside move sell extra 15200 calls & convert into ratio.
Bearish strangle always profitable
Bearish strangle in bearish market is 100℅ profitable. If market reverses also, profitable.Reverse direction around 200 points and bear direction around 400 point .Still profit .But market in last hour should be bearish.
1.trendline breakout
2.pdl, pdl, closing of yesterday, opening of today, vwapvwap skewed strangle only at these levels
3.no trading in monday and friday
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