Best tweet threads about trading price action option selling
1.Which indicator or setup do u use,volatility contraction pattern
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straddle selling rules
1.after continous 5 green or red candles (5 min) tf,wait for one opposite candle and initiate short straddle2.Check if price is away from 20 ema and if it is away, it will do mean reversion.Check thisin 5 sec or 15 sec and 5 min timeframe3.when market is making extreme compression doji in 5TF and 15TF just exit from the stradddel4.bearish...

8.4.2021 lessons
Straddle stoploss 3500 on all days.If it goes beyond that then exit.In expiry put a MTM based stoploss and 9000 target.If your profit is running at 12000 and it goes below 10000 then exit all the positions.
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To do list in chart before trading
Algorithm1.HAs market given breakout in bigger time frame nad weekly monthly support and resistance.Yes:then no trading dayno:take starddlehas market iv has spiked upIf yes take high qty skewed short straddleif no:then take less qty short straddleIs market going to fin any strong support at the bottomis market likely to get any reversal?at low vix enviornment ,look for reversal trading and consolidation trading in marketDraw...

Best Indicators for option selling
CD_PivotR-//Created by CristianDstudy(title="Pivot Range", shorttitle="CD_PivotR", overlay=true) sd = input(true, title="Show Daily Pivots?")//Pivot Range Calculations - Mark Fisherpivot = (high + low + close ) / 3.0 bc = (high + low ) / 2.0 tc = (pivot - bc) + pivot//Daily Pivot Range dtime_pivot = security(tickerid, 'D', pivot[1]) dtime_bc = security(tickerid, 'D', bc[1]) dtime_tc = security(tickerid,...

Warrir thunderbolt Indicator BB EMA VWAP PIVOT
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Stock_Warrior
study(title="Warrior Thunderbolt Indicator", shorttitle="WTI", overlay=true)
showpivot = input(defval = true, title="Show Pivot Points")
showEMA9 = input(title="Show EMA9", type=input.bool, defval=true)
showEMA20 = input(title="Show EMA20", type=input.bool, defval=true)
showEMA50 = input(title="Show... all lectures
क्या है सही तरीका Open Interest और Price को मिलाकर share trading करने का?Chetan Ji's 11 Dec 2020If break out happens with increase in open interest and volume spike,and sustained above support for two to three days,then this type of breakout becomes more power full adn in upcoming days ,ther is high chance of price hike.
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