To do list in chart before trading
1.HAs market given breakout in bigger time frame nad weekly monthly support and resistance.
Yes:then no trading day
no:take starddle
has market iv has spiked up
If yes take high qty skewed short straddle
if no:then take less qty short straddle
Is market going to fin any strong support at the bottom
is market likely to get any reversal?
at low vix enviornment ,look for reversal trading and consolidation trading in market
Draw support resistance ebased on fibonaci
double bottom or head and shoulder
Trendline in 15 minute and 1 hr timeframe and big time frame
1 day chart pateern to find out sentiment
cpr touch
gapup/gap down /flat opening check
yesterday low,high and closing+today's opening strong support and resistance
nifty and fin nifty support to banknifty
confluencial trading with all indicators
previous week low and high
2nd time ema breaking is powerful than 1st time ema breaking
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